I miss Kate. She was the reason that I got my site up and running again. She was always my cheerleader.
Does anyone ever write in sequence? I’d often have random sentences or thoughts down on the document and I somehow connect them as I go along. Everything being digital makes this process so much easier. When I’d do reports when I was younger I’d have a few pages with jotted down sentences waiting to be placed into my report.
Working on my iPad while it is charging is proving to be illogical. The battery charge seems to be going backward. Ok, it is going backward.
Ahhhh, I switched over to my phone. I have never wrote on WordPress via phone before. Typing on my phone makes me lazier as a writer. I often don’t need to finish the word. My phone finishes the word for me. While I can type on my phone pretty fast, it still isn’t as fast as using my keyboard.
My sinuses, head and ears hurt. I will give this a few days, if this keeps up I will see the doctor. I woke up this morning feeling a little nauseated and dizzy, with my eyes shaking. My eyes don’t shake as much now than when I was younger. I had days that I had stayed home from school due to my eyes shaking for most of the day and generally feeling very nauseated. I could never figure the cause of this. I have read things from ear infections to allergies to low blood pressure and anxieties to be the cause. All, except for low blood pressure, I have had often. I do know that staring into a bright light often helped.
I have been doing good lately. Last time I saw a doctor for my sinuses was last year. I have always had bad sinus allergies. I wonder if the fact that I’m not under so much stress from my ex that I’m not getting sick as often?
It is such a lazy today. Maybe I will play FFxiv later. I’m watching the boys playing NHL 16 on Xbox one. Is that the name of that game? I still need to look at Life is Strange for the PS3 and Rocket League for Xbox one for Karissa for her birthday.
I can’t believe my little girl will be 16 soon. Ten days. I don’t know how this happened? She was running around in her diapers yesterday. 😊 My idea for her cake.. Well, she asked for red velvet with pink frosting. So chocolate cake and cream cheese frosting with food coloring. Ok, though I wanted to make a small layer of cheesecake and have the layer between the two cake layers. I’m thinking of making this gluten free so I don’t need to make two cakes.
The front of my house is a construction zone. Literally. The town is improving our road. They started about three weeks ago or so and will be done, so they say, in September. The front of my house seems to be their breeding ground. Complete with an outhouse right outside our fence.