My Bug has a new name: GTD. German Turbo Diva. Heehee. Tommy and I were talking how my car is picky on the maintenance. A diva car. 😀
I’m at the rink again. Hockey clinic is starting soon. I’m up here in the lobby since it’s cold down there. The kids will be up here later for free skate and sled hockey.
Ya know, my random thoughts rarely include what I have done this past week. Well, I have studied, watched kids, cooked, cleaned, did quests in Skyrim so I can get a house, and planted a garden in Final Fantasy xiv. Oh, and my therapy. We finished my assessment. Treatment starts tomorrow. She said it will be especially hard with my Ptsd. She wants to start by talking about my relationship with my mom.
Does anyone use Influenster? It’s a website/app where people review things. I get free stuff sometimes to sample. My latest free item is a bag of Rachel Ray dog food. Mimi is a miniature poodle who is going to take months to get through her current bag of food since Jazzy passed away. I was thinking of taking the Rachel Ray dog food with us when we take her camping next month.
Oh! We are going camping next month. Last time I went camping, I was 8 with my Girls Scout troop. Maybe the next closest is being at my grandpa’s cabin in Grand Marais every summer.
I’m a bit sleepy and hungry and my mind keeps blanking out…