My shoulder/neck hurts today, so it’s a bit hard to concentrate on anything. I’m in an alright mood considering. My girls have a play and an art show that I need to attend tonight. I’m excited about that. I’m currently moving pictures and videos to my computer from my phone so I have room to take more pictures and videos. Then procrastinate on putting them on social media. 🙂 It seems like I have so much I want to do. So many things swimming around in my head but I just can’t seem to get started on things. I’d like to get back into my old hobbies. The ones that I have been told that I no longer have interest in and shouldn’t bother doing. I feel like I’m stuck in the conformities that I have lived with from the past and can’t seem to get out of. I hate how ingrained much of these feelings are. It will take a lot to explain this, I just don’t feel that I have it in me right now to do so.
I feel this post should be happier. It’s almost Christmas. I want to make gingerbread cookies like I do every year. Have I skipped a year? I remember when I first started making gingerbread cookies. I think I was about 8 or 9 and calling my Grandma because I couldn’t get the dough right. Took many batches for me to get them right. I can’t seem to get much thought out right now. I just feel my thoughts and emotions are blocked. I will try again at this. Maybe tomorrow?