Hello, fellow quarantines! Remember when you came home after-school to an empty house? Ate a bowl of cereal and did your homework in front of the TV? I feel like that again. I actually had some thoughts on what I wanted to write. Thing is, this quarantine doesn’t bring out the creativity in me. Some random things…
1. I learned that this Covid19 is a part of the Coronavirus strain. Coronavirus is not new, but this strain is new. When someone sneezes or coughs, droplets can hang in the air for up to three hours.
2. I’m awesome at social distancing. My dog and cats; not so much.
3. Being quarantined has given me such a low energy level. I’d like to try and change that.
4. Pandemics give many the urge to buy lots and lots of toilet paper.
5. I’d like to bring back some of my old hobbies. Scrapbooking, drawing, water coloring. Something to do!
6. Kids are so bored that they aren’t really minding the homework.
7. I get an Ipsy bag every month. I did it before and it was alright. Though Kel and I are doing it together so it’s cool. Anywho, I got this thing in one of my bags called ‘The Coffee Scrub’ that I tried today. I wasn’t expecting to find what it actually was. Of course, it says coffee scrub, I thought it would be a little liquidy. It’s ground coffee. I can put this into my coffee maker and make myself a pot of coffee. I don’t think it would taste that great though. The website is called; thecoffeescrub.com. I see pics of people putting that stuff on their faces. I don’t really recommend that… or at least, do it very gently. I didn’t try it on my face. Mostly cause I already used a face scrub on my face before my shower. Also, if you have psoriasis, be very careful. I was trying to avoid my psoriasis patch and still hit it.
8. I should start watching TV again. Been watching anime with Tom at night, though streaming seems to make it a little glitchy. I should write down what I watch. I do forget the names of shows. And movies.
9. I’m in the middle of two books. I believe it’s the fourth book of the Dresden Files and a book that Neil Peart wrote while traveling through Canada. I don’t know the names. I was listening to the audiobooks on Tom’s phone. We haven’t finished the books and now I kind of forgot some of the happenings in the books. I should go back to writing book notes.
10. My notebook is going to be full if I actually start writing down everything that is in my head.
11. Lastly, even though I have the time… I still suck at keeping in touch with people.
I think I’ll go write in my journal/notebook now. I tried bullet journaling. I’m just not patient enough for the structure of it. So it’s my write-anything-in notebook. And my phone’s calendar is where I put all the appointments. Cause my phone tells me when I have an appointment and said notebook does not. Not that I have any appointments right now. What does everyone’s planner look like now? Is it blank?
If you are interested in an Ipsy bag cause you are curious or bored: https://www.ipsy.com/new?cid=ppage_ref_v1&sid=link&refer=10biaa
What should I write about next?
Till next time,