Everyone has that inner voice that tells us what we think. That inner critic. But what if that inner voice is somehow broken? Our inner voice can be our greatest enemy.
I feel that way about my inner voice. So much so that I have medication to quiet her up. But does she need to be silent? I often ponder this. Do I need prescriptions to quiet her up? Am I doing myself more harm than good? What if I try again to see if she can use her voice again? I mean, this voice is me, right? Is this voice my authentic self? Am I silencing myself while being medicated?
For a few weeks, I have gotten to view the answers to some of these questions. The place where I get my therapy and medication has been going through some problems. It still is, but my prescription is now taken care of. So for two weeks, about a month ago, I have thought about my inner voice and letting it speak. So, does she need to be quiet? In some sense, she does. She is quite a sassy one. Sarcastic and sometimes mean. Not that I mean to be brash. I have less patience when I’m not on my medication. And overall, I feel awful. Negative and depressed. This is funny cause I never thought my medication was all that important. It is supposed to be for my anxiety, yet it seems to be doing much more for me.
Now, as my ADHD comes into play, I lose track of what I’m trying to say. I do feel like I can be more of myself on my medication. I can be happy and at peace. Am I silencing myself? Sometimes, but my facial expressions usually give me away.
I must cut this short since I need to pick up Alex from school. Till next time… I need some ideas to write about.