Communication is said to be the imparting or exchanging of information or news. Though what if I don’t have data or news to exchange? How do people talk? I often feel like I have nothing to say. Nothing to give to a conversation. I observe others when they talk. Trying to get some tips on communicating better and yet have found any concrete information. Even right now, I’m having trouble getting words out. It feels like I have a blockage in my thoughts. When I watch tv, I have this internal monologue about what is happening in front of me. Yet, I’m not conveying what is on my mind to others. I often feel what I have to say isn’t interesting enough.
I will do a 180 right now and cut this short since I have to take Alex to hockey practice in about a half hour. My oldest made some pancakes and gave me a few. So I’m just munching on pancakes, studying Java, and writing. Oh, Java! My current study. I do want to learn this and understand it. But for now, I should go as Alex will be home in fifteen minutes. Till next time…