I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The immense stress when baking is waiting to see if the bread dough will rise. It’s a sign that you didn’t kill the yeast (like I did). Kel and I made pies and dinner rolls on Wednesday. I stayed up until 1 am to finish the apple pie. I was so worried that I would fail, but it turned out well! Let’s not talk about the hour, or so I wasted thinking and dreading baking on Tuesday. I love baking. I’m just scared of failure. Thursday will be all cooking. See, I can do cooking. There isn’t an exact science to cooking. With baking, you need to be precise. One minor slip-up, like killing your yeast in scalding liquid, can mean you have to do the whole thing over again. And wasting your ingredients. As a perfectionist, this hurts my soul. Ok, an exaggeration. I find cooking much less stressful.
We ended the night watching Lord of the Rings. I watched it years ago, but I don’t remember the movies. It’s a very intriguing story. I love the Hobbits and the Shire. The houses are adorable. The magic was something out of Final Fantasy, and the violence was realistic. The Ringwraiths were scary. So many times where the Fellowship were done for by the wraiths. I’m not sure what Frodo and Sam will do on their own on their way to Mordor, but it will be an exciting watch.
And I would like to say that we have gone through this holiday without any meltdowns. I’m proud of myself and everyone for keeping their spirits up.
I do have come with pics of yesterday’s food excursion…