It hasn’t turned into a winter wonderland up here yet. I wonder when we will have full coverage of snow. I love snow. I just don’t like all the work that comes with it. And it’s cold! I like all that has to do with the cold, just not the cold weather. It has been in the 50s here lately, so it’s been pretty warm.
The season is typically magical. I’m sad for a few of my friends and family who are having a tough time. It will be hard for them to see the excitement and magic of the season. I hope they will be able to find some comfort at a time when you would be celebrating with loved ones.
I’m trying my best to keep in touch with friends and family. I’m a quarter of the way there. I sometimes freeze when it comes to texting… though I do better with text and email than talking on the phone. I have to forget about my anxiety and push through. That’s the best way I’ve found actually to get out there and be more communicative. However, it seems that I’m only more communicative during the holidays. I need to change that. I study those more communicative, and I still muse over how they can talk freely and openly.
I should get back to studying and maybe go over the cookie recipes for what we are making this Christmas. Till next time…