I spent a few hours last night at the Wayback Machine putting my site back together by adding my older entries in here and backdating it as well. I also incorporated my first WordPress site here. In the beginning, way back in 2003, I tried making my site a gallery. However, I didn’t have much time with a baby and one on the way. Then after 2004, I stopped working on my site. Then I started back up again in 2011. Thinking of changing the layout of this site again. I like the minimalistic look, but it needs something more.
Today I studied and drove Alex to hockey practice. I go home after cause it gets dark early, and Tom picks him up. The drive wasn’t too bad today. Tramway always has traffic, and I was stuck behind a truck on Rt. 66 on the way home.
I think I’m getting sick. I can’t stay warm; my head and throat hurt, and my nose is stuffy. All this tells me a sickness is coming upon me.
Sandy is sitting in my lap. I tried taking her off my desk three times. She is a persistent cat.
I wonder if it will be possible to start making cookies this weekend. Alex has a game in Taos on Saturday, so that day is out. But I would like to start making cookies this next week. Speaking of Taos, I need to find my gloves.