I finally got my real ID. It took two appointments, but I did it. I went down this morning to the MVD with Karissa. She already had a real ID and just needed to renew hers. I did not have my marriage license with me. Yes, I’m a widow, but they still need my marriage license. So I made another appointment today and went home to get my marriage license. I spent a few hours at home, fell asleep, then had lunch and returned to the MVD. That was my adventure of the day.
It is cold outside! My watch says 26 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s mostly the wind. If it weren’t windy, it would be fine.
I need to do Christmas cards. My girls are done with theirs. Of course, they only wrote two. And I think they are done with their Christmas shopping. Of course, again, they only bought a few gifts. But they are done, and I have done nothing. I shouldn’t say anything, I will be making cookies soon, and that is a lot of something. I’m excited about making cookies. I want to start now.
I’m cold. I’m tempted to sit in front of the fire till I warm up. I think I will do that now.
I’m sitting here trying to think of what I can write. I don’t think it is the actual writing but starting to write. I have anxiety over beginning things, especially new ones—panic over procrastination. Not knowing how, where to start, and being good at what you want to do. They say to start writing since writing does, in turn, help with anxiety, but it is hard to start moving. Then I zone out, hours, days, and months go by, and I feel hopeless. I did get up and sat at the fire for a long moment. The heat feels good. I’m now wrapped in my blanket. I think I will stay like this for a bit. Until next time…