Today was busy. Lexi had her doctor’s appointment today. Of course, I forgot to pick up her medication today, so I will get it tomorrow. I feel for Lex; her doctor was in a little bit of a mood. But I’m proud of Lexi for keeping her tone neutral. Especially for not being on her medication. She also had blood drawn so they could check her thyroid. And she had her flu shot. I’m glad we are getting somewhere, and they are testing her. I know she has depression and anxiety, and I worry about her. Next week she has to go back for a follow-up. The follow-up is supposed to be in two weeks, but she will be back in Portales then. She will have her Covid booster next week also.
Next, I went shopping for dinner stuff. We are having spaghetti tonight. When I was shopping, I was walking down the aisle, and I turned around cause I wanted to go back and get butter. This old lady was growling. I’m unsure if I upset her for turning back around in the aisle or if she was upset cause, she couldn’t find what she was looking for. I have never encountered anything like that before. And usually, only Tommy growls at me.
Then Chris and I took Alex to hockey practice. On our way back, my car’s EPC light came on again, and we had to pull over, shut the car off and then turn it back off so the light went away. It doesn’t come on very often. Then, Alex called at the start of his practice to tell me his helmet was broken. Not that I could do anything about it at that moment. We told him to talk to his coach, and that we will replace it later. Tommy is picking him up after practice.
Finally back home and in my pj’s. The spaghetti sauce is simmering. I will start the water for the pasta in half an hour. It takes almost an hour to get the water boiling. At nearly 7000ft in elevation, it takes a while for the water to boil.
Chris is bored and taking down the Christmas tree. It’s always sad when Christmas goes away. Next year Kel and I are striving to make Christmas go a bit smoother. I want to get my Christmas cards out on time and not so late. And to get shopping done early so we aren’t shopping on Christmas Eve.
I think I will end my post here. I need to get back to dinner-making.