I haven’t written for few-ish days. The week went by quickly, and now it’s the start of a new week. I must leave in about an hour to pick up Alex from school. I’ve just spent the last half hour looking for things to have for dinner and reading “You Belong in Tech: How to Go from Zero Programming Knowledge to Hired by Anna Jean McDougall.” It’s pretty interesting. It talks more along the lines of what you need to learn and how to learn to program. I like programming. I don’t know if I want a regular programming job, but I want to become more proficient in programming. This book has given me a lot of good tips and ideas about what I need to do. Some ‘essential skills’ she talks about are learning GitLab (which I have started doing), learning terminal commands (today, I brushed up on Linux commands), and searching the internet. I wonder how efficient I am at searching the web. I think I’m good at searching, but I’m sure there is more to learn about how to find things on the internet. I know how to search the Dark web, which I learned from the Forensics class. But I don’t think I need to go that far, and I’m definitely not efficient at that type of searching. I like reading books like this one. Especially when it has to do with women in technology. Tech is such a male-dominated field that it feels nice to hear from other women in this field as well. It is easy for us to feel overwhelmed and that we don’t belong in this field.
On YouTube, I follow a few psychology channels since I’m into psychology. Lately, all they have been talking about is the Utah 4 case. I also follow a couple of crime channels that have also been following this case. So all my YouTube front page shows me are this case, cooking, Final Fantasy, and planning videos. The Utah 4 case is scary that I haven’t been watching it.
The latest anime I’m watching is CyberPunk. Yes, that one is based on the game CyberPunk. Evidentially, the anime is much better than the game. Though I have been told they have patched up the game, it is running better. The anime has some good and bad. It has an engaging story that keeps your attention. You feel for the protagonist. But CyberPunk is very graphic and very much a blood and gory anime. Some scenes can be hard to watch and certainly a trigger.
I need to get going. Until next time…