Today has been a busy study day. I started by reading more of “You Belong in Tech,” where she talked about different ways to learn code. Two that I found interesting are freecodecamp and the Odin project. They are both in web development with a focus on different languages within web development. I started by looking into the Odin project and did the introduction work. After a bit of computer 101, I learned they want you to use Linux with Chrome and VS code. I thought between making my computer dual boot or spinning up a VM. I ended up with the VM cause it is faster. Installed RedHat, Chrome, and VS code onto the virtual machine. This took me about an hour. I didn’t think it would take so long. I had to do Google searches on how to install Chrome and VS code since I did it via the terminal. I then signed into their Discord and added Github to my Discord account. I also added some of my other accounts to my Discord account.
Freecodecamp works like an application where you do the work on the page and do the instructions. I had to allow extensions on my browser so the app would work. The instructions are clear and pretty easy to do so far. I can easily go between this and the Odin project. I like using the virtual machine; I wish the window were bigger. I have this big monitor, and VM takes up only a third of it. So that will be what I do tomorrow; find a way to make the VM window bigger.
I read a bit more into the book, where she talked about documentation, where you can read up on everything about a code language. She states to start reading the documentation on the language I’m learning. Even though now it won’t make much sense to me but should the further I go. She also mentions making blog posts on what I have learned. Tommy has said that to me, also. So I’m trying to write more here about what I’m learning and the path where it is going. The next chapter is about creating a learning plan using agile methodologies. The Agile method is a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases. So basically breaking down my learning plan.
I will read a bit more before the end of the day. I have about eight post-it notes on my desk that need to be put into my notebook. So I think I will do that now. Until next time…