The end of the book, You Belong in Tech is quite intimidating. However, she gives excellent information about your application, cover letter, interviews, and such. I have about 30 more pages to read in this book. I may finish it after I’m done writing here.
Sandy, my cat, has been sitting at my desk for a couple of hours. I had Karissa take her and feed her, but she still returned. I’m not always sure what she wants.
I’m doing better with my eating habits, I think. I had a salad for lunch and eggs and toast for breakfast. If you think about it, January is a crap month to make meaningful changes in your life. It’s cold, the days are short, and you’re still exhausted after trying to keep it together during the holidays. Far from ideal circumstances to start new habits. But I’m doing alright. I need to exercise more, however. If you have resolved to do something, start it immediately. Within our culture, there’s no expectation for anyone to keep their New Year’s resolutions. Maybe having smaller, more realistic goals which create less chaos within your current lifestyle is the way to achieve more sustainable goals. Also, do not give up and keep moving, even with setbacks.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk about resolutions.