I finished the book “You belong in Tech.” I feel like I have more insight into things and what to do. But things are easier said than done.
Today in coding, I learned about classes in HTML. As Tommy said, “Classes allow manipulation by CSS and Javascript.” This makes much more sense than the description given on Freecodecamp. Class is more useful when you have many similar elements you wish to stylize in CSS or as useful when you have, or possibly will have in the future, more than one element that shares the same style. Say you are creating a coffee house menu; you may want to create a class named ‘flavor’ and another called ‘price’ to give each item its own style. You don’t want to keep repeating the style, so instead, you put them in a class. The CSS, Cascading Style Sheet, will house the different classes and the ‘style’ you have given them.
I go in for my first therapy session with my new therapist on Monday. I’m nervous about my new therapist. I’m going to have to go over everything from the beginning. This will also be a tele-video appointment, not in person. However, I must drive half an hour to get to my appointment. I want to ask if there is a way I can do this from home. Better on gas mileage. But back to being nervous. I have a hard time talking, to begin with, so I’m hoping this therapist is good at getting others to open up. I’d like to also work on that having better communication skills. But what do I say on the first day of my new therapy session? Will she have notes to go by from my last therapist? It’s in the same clinic. I just wish I knew what to expect. I’m just stressed about the idea of a) having to sit down at our session and spill every single thing or b) having to let things come up naturally because some things don’t come up naturally. Since I have trust issues, I’m hoping this therapist will be someone that I can feel I can trust from the beginning. It will make opening up much easier. I liked my first therapist at that clinic but didn’t click with her too much. She was nice, but it was hard to open up to her. I didn’t feel that comfortable with her. When I switched to the trauma therapist, I was able to open up to her more. But she has since retired, so I’m here with a new therapist now. And since I need to drive, I hope the winter storm we are watching now calms down.
My cat thinks my desk is her bed. /sigh
Until next time…