I am working a lot with CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) today. I do like CSS for the ease of styling a webpage, faster page speed, and better user experience. But some things have been irking me about CSS as we go into different projects in FreeCodeCamp:
1) CSS isn’t used the same from project to project. So by the time I have figured everything out for the one project I’m doing, I probably won’t remember it all by the next time I need to use it or the next project.
2) Colors and fonts are pretty straightforward. When you get into the layout and geometry, it gets confusing. With backend code, you at least get error messages. Though with CSS, your only ‘error message’ is that the page isn’t looking the way you want it to look. It becomes a guessing game with CSS to get the correct numbers on how you want the page to look.
3) Since CSS can’t exist without HTML, you can’t reason about the code like in any other language. You don’t know if this code is needed because it’s not self-contained.
4) Making a slight change in CSS can be a considerable risk because many elements implicitly depend on it, and there are no guardrails to ensure your change doesn’t break anything else in the HTML or in CSS itself.
I found two pretty helpful sites; CSS tutorials and CSS Grid tutorials.
Back to more studying. Until next time…