Today’s studying was spent on RGB in CSS and the color wheel. The color wheel is a visual representation of colors arranged according to their chromatic relationship depending on wavelengths. Using the color wheel, we can easily trace colors and their relationship with other colors. The three Primary Colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue. Three Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, and Violet. Six Tertiary Colors: Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet, are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary.
RGB is an additive color model. Additive color describes how light produces color. Computers, phones, tv, etc., use additive color. In the subtractive color model (CMYK), pigment is used to create color using reflected light. Printers use CMYK. For RGB, the colors are red, green, and blue. RGB uses a value between 0-255 to create different colors. A value of three 0’s will make black, while a value of three 255s will produce white. The number is a code to represent how dark or bright the color is.
The syntax for RGB is:
RGB(0, 0, 0)
With RGB, there are 16,777,216 color options available. By default, the colors of the RGB model are opaque. You can change the opacity by placing it at the end of the RGB syntax in CSS:
h1 { color: rgba(0,255,255,0.7); }
Although this makes the whole thing transparent, including the background, the heading, and the heading’s background. To only make the color transparent and not the header, we will take the a out of the RGB syntax:
background-color: rgb(232, 206, 191,0.5)
I had to learn to put code into a WordPress page to do this. You go to the text editor and use the < pre >code< /pre > syntax.
That’s been my day. I like color theory, which has always been my favorite subject in design class.
Here are some references for color theory:, and