I figured out what was wrong with my form. It needed to be a descendant of the form code itself and I didn’t have an id for the form tag. I’m not explaining this well. Again, there is no CSS attached to this form so it will look a bit wonky. Now we are doing a responsive web design project.
My anxiety is doing well today. Still having trouble focusing on one thing at a time. My mind will constantly jump between topics or I feel I need to get up and check on something in the house. I just checked for the third time if it is still snowing (it is). I will easily get lost in my thoughts, therefore losing complete focus. The Pomodoro method is helping a bit.
We are in the middle of a winter storm.. at least I think it is a winter storm. We got a pretty good amount of snow last night. And it seems that we get a lot of snow in the middle of a storm. It could just be inclement weather. I do like snow, I just think it is a bit of an inconvenience if you need to go outside and drive or do anything out there. I like everything that has to do with the cold… except for it being cold. I like hot chocolate, hot soup, sweaters, fireplaces, and snow; but I’m not crazy about it being cold.
Ok, I need to get back to coding.
Here is my form.
Randomly random
Quirky form of random questions.