I had my labwork done this morning. I should have had it scheduled for earlier than 11, cause I was starving. My appt is 40 minutes away and I found that I could have gotten my lab done locally in my town instead of going a few towns over. Well, now I have my lab done so I can now do my medication management appointments over the phone instead of in the clinic. I found out today that my medication management therapist lives in Texas. I knew she wasn’t local but I didn’t know she was out of state.
Kel and I then went to pick up stove wooden pellets and came home to eat lunch. I’m still full from lunch and it’s been over a few hours. Today’s studying was more CSS and manipulating what we already had learned. I like playing around with CSS.
Alexis just called me to say hi and tell me that it is snowing. And that she and her friends saw a dead pigeon. Alrighty, then.
I don’t have much to talk about today. My head isn’t being that nice to me. I try to acknowledge my negative thoughts and see them from an observational point of view. What caused it and how does it affect me? To not judge it but to separate myself from that thought and just look at it for a second. Then breathe and accept it but trying not to let it consume me. It’s kind of like meditating. Meditating isn’t about the absence of thought, but more about dealing with those thoughts. Not letting those thoughts have power over you. So I’ve been dealing with that today. But it is getting better.