I’m at the library today. I’ve been coding the newest project today. The tribute page. The coding of the page is easy enough. The example they have, which I’m doing, has a lot of texts. The example looks like they randomly picked a name out of a hat and did a tribute page off of that person. I’m almost done with the HTML, and then I need to do the CSS.
My focus today has been laughable. I can’t seem to relax today and code. Every sound or person passing by makes me break my focus. It’s sunny outside, it looks warm, but it’s only in the 30s. However, it is warmer down here in the city than at home. Of course, home is over a thousand feet higher in elevation. It took over a month to get used to the new elevation when I moved here. It made me physically sick when I first moved here.
I should have brought a little more food. A pb&j isn’t sufficient for an entire day’s worth of food. I don’t want to go to Starbucks, plus I don’t have the money to do so. Tonight I’m going to make my lunch to ensure I have more food for tomorrow. The problem with being away from home is there is no hot tea. I should get back to coding…