At the library again. It’s, of course, quiet since it is a Friday. I’m finishing up the HTML part of my tribute page. Then onto CSS.
Kevin’s dad, the girls’ grandfather, passed away this morning. I didn’t know him that well. Kevin and I visited him and Kate when I was four months pregnant with Karissa. He visited us once in Oklahoma and the girls once in California. Of course, they also came down to see Kevin’s funeral. It was a weird time. The two sides of the family don’t get along. So not only was I dealing with Kevin’s death, I was in the middle of a family feud. I understand the feud; I just never want to deal with their feud. It’s a lot of past hurt that will never be resolved. Both parties have their excuses and reasons. Both parties have wronged the brothers, Kevin and Mike. I can get more into the feud, but I don’t have the energy right now.
Given that the main parties, except for Mike, have passed on, I wonder if this feud will evaporate. Their father seemed pretty nice. My thoughts on him being nice are clouded due to him abandoning his sons when they were young. It is kind of hard to get around that. He is now with Kate and Kevin. They will keep him in good company.
Getting back to coding, I need to start on the CSS. I like CSS for what it does. There is so much to remember with this language. And you can’t possibly remember it all. I know I just started and can’t be expected to remember everything right now. And that is where that thought should end. I’m hard on myself when it comes to learning. I feel I should be able to know it all in such a small amount of time when I know that with time I will get better and have a better grasp on everything. I certainly would tell my girls that. So I should tell myself that as well.