It’s hard to focus on coding today. I have done a little. The closer it gets to taking Alex to practice, the harder it is for me to do anything productive. I’m basically waiting until I need to leave and take him to hockey practice.
Procrastinating. I’ve done some reading on procrastinating, and it’s pretty interesting. Procrastination is the result of our body trying to protect us from a task we see as threatening. When you have a deadline, your body responds as it would to any incoming threat. So as many would do, we avoid the threat and do something else less threatening, stressful, or challenging. Since procrastination is motivated by our negative feelings, some are more susceptible to it than others, regardless of how good they are with time management. Procrastinators procrastinate because they care too much. They put things off because they feel their work does not meet their high standards. Procrastinators usually have high anxiety and depression. However, procrastinating reduces our stress level for a short time, as it is our body’s coping mechanism for stressful tasks. Having good time management won’t help with procrastination. Being too hard on yourself can put additional stress and bad emotions onto a task. This makes the threat greater. We need to acknowledge and address the negative emotions we have for the particular task we need to do. Maybe breaking a task into smaller tasks or writing or talking about what is troubling you about the task. And don’t forget to forgive yourself and tell yourself you will do better next time, as in not being too hard on yourself when it comes to these tasks.
So why procrastinate on doing anything productive? Well, driving makes me nervous. And coding takes a lot of focus, which I don’t have today. This all makes me anxious.
I thought I’d take a break and write. Went grocery shopping. The weather has gotten so bad; very windy and snowing. It hailed for a bit also. I felt like the wind was going to blow me away! Since the weather is bad, I feel uncomfortable taking Alex to practice. So I’m back to coding. We are having butter chicken tonight for dinner. I will start prep at five and have the instant pot going at 6.
Some coding notes from today: Resources, freeCodeCamp, w3schools, FontAwesome
The z-index property is used to create “layers” for your HTML elements. If you are familiar with image editing tools, you may have worked with layers before. This is a similar concept.
Elements with a higher z-index value will appear to be layered on top of elements with a lower z-index value. This can be combined with the positioning in the previous lesson to create unique effects.
#back-wall { z-index: -1 }
ID vs classposition property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, fixed, absolute or sticky).
We used FontAwesome for our project:
The i element is used for idiomatic text, or text that is separate from the “normal” text content. This could be for italic text, such as scientific terms, or for icons like those provided by FontAwesome.
fas indicates the category of icons (FontAwesome Solid, here), while fa-music selects the specific icon.
Back to more coding and then dinner prep.