Happy Monday! I hope your day is going well. I’ve spent all day coding my Technical Documentation page. There is so much text in this project. It’s more text than code. I’m working on the CSS now. I’m sure I’ll be done tomorrow and can continue with the next project.
I learned the
< article > < h2 >Google Chrome< /h2 > < p >Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google, released in 2008. Chrome is the world's most popular web browser today!< /p > < /article >
That is basically the code for the entire Technical Documentation page. The text was all about JavaScript. I used the example they gave so I sat there and typed out all the info instead of copying and pasting cause I was afraid it would confuse and overwhelm me. So much text.
Last weekend was a restfull weekend. I spent Sunday playing Final Fantasy xiv. Oh, last night Tommy got me Stardew Valley on my switch. So I played that for a little while last night. The game is cute. I think farming games are so adorable. At least I can grow things ingame cause in real life…not so much. Although I have grown green onions before in a glass! That was cool. Next week is Alexis’s play. I’m not sure what the play is called or what character she is playing but I will get all that info later. Ya know, let me text her now. Well, she is going to take forever to text me back. But I will have that info soon enough.
I’m wondering how to get into more of Twitter and Discord for my coding and going off of the book, You Belong in Tech…I know what to do, I’m finding my problem is that I’m too shy and awkward to get out there. I’m part of a few groups in Discord already, none tech related, and I rarely ever join in on the converssations. I do read them though! I just never join in. And Twitter is just scary.
Ok, I’m going to head off of here now. Till tomorrow…