I’m surprised I haven’t gotten sick with several sick people in the house. The only thing I’ve had these past few days is a headache, but other than that, I feel fine. I’ve gotten through several coding projects these couple of days. I’m quite proud of myself. Though I feel I may have to slow down. I fear I won’t retain the information if I go too fast through these projects.
I’ve cleaned my desk and organized it again. I can work better if my desk is clean and minimalized. I’m not a minimalist, but I like a lot of surface space.
While looking forward to tomorrow and picking up Alexis, I feel anxious over the next few days. Just having to keep a mental task list of what needs to be done. Pick up Lex, pack for the weekend, etc. I should make a to-do list of what I need to do. Feeling anxious is such a normal feeling for me sometimes that I don’t always realize I’m anxious. I remember having anxiety when I was a kid. I always felt like I couldn’t breathe. When I lived in Germany, I had gotten numerous asthma tests because I was sure I had asthma. They always came up negative. Now I don’t even freak out anymore when I have anxiety. However, it’s not something I like having. The problem with being an empath is that I can feel everyone’s emotions around me, which sometimes gives me anxiety.
I feel like playing a video game now to relax. I put a few books on hold, ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ and ‘Legends and Lattes,’ from the library to read on my Kindle. My wait number is in the hundreds, so I hope to have the book within the next month to read.
Some notes from today’s coding:
The loading attribute on an img element can be set to lazy to tell the browser not to fetch the image resource until it is needed (as in, when the user scrolls the image into view). As an additional benefit, lazy loaded elements will not load until the non-lazy elements are loaded – this means users with slow internet connections can view the content of your page without waiting for the images to load.
The Referer HTTP header contains information about the address or URL of a page that a user might be visiting from. This information can be used in analytics to track how many users visit your page. Setting the rel attribute to noreferrer omits this information from the HTTP request.
The article tag specifies independent, self-contained content. An article should make sense on its own and it should be possible to distribute it independently from the rest of the site. Potential sources for the element:
Forum post
Blog post
News story
The aside tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should be indirectly related to the surrounding content.
CSS Grid offers a two-dimensional grid-based layout, allowing you to center items horizontally and vertically while still retaining control to do things like overlap elements.