I haven’t written (typed?) in a few days. I don’t have much of an excuse except that I was reading Book Lovers after coding and never got around to posting here. I’m almost done with my product landing page project in coding. I’m currently working on CSS, which is the most thrilling and frustrating thing. I like how the site comes together as you mess around with different elements, but knowing what elements to use is frustrating. Take media queries. They are neat to write but confusing to write at the same time. I’m so conflicted by CSS. It can be magical how you can make fonts all pretty and use beautiful colors. Then comes the frustration and annoyance when you see how perplexing the language can be. I think my writing right now is just procrastination from CSS. It could be a good possibility.
Ok, I’m not usually into romance novels. I normally lean towards fantasy books. But Book Lovers was a cute rival-to-lovers book. Emily Henry’s writing captured their emotions quite flawlessly.
I currently have nine books on Goodreads that I still have not finished. I should check them out at the library sometime. Most of them I listened to on the audiobook with Tommy in the car while we were traveling. But somehow, we sometimes never finish the book and start a new one.
I finally got my tire fixed. It has had a slow leak for a while. I was given the little metal strip that had been making my tire leak. I have yet to throw it away. It is sitting on my desk that needs to be cleaned again. The edge of my desk is seemingly becoming the catch-all spot. I don’t like it. I like my space clean.
Tonight we are celebrating Lexi’s birthday since she will be in school during her birthday. For her birthday dinner, she wants green chili pizza. And we are having Costco cake. I love Costco cake. lol
I should get back to coding.