I’m in mania right now. I’ve had adrenaline and high energy all day, which would be weird since I only had 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Concentrating and sticking to the task at hand is hard for me right now. My mind is racing from thought to thought. Paranoia. Incredibly powerful intrusive thoughts. Just want to shut my mind off, but I can’t. Feeling overwhelmed and feeling like I’ve drunk multiple cups of coffee when I haven’t. I’ve worked a little on coding, but I can’t keep my concentration. It’s like feeling too energetic and hating every second because you are too terrifyingly hyper to control your actions. You can’t do anything that takes more than a few seconds because your racing thoughts just cannot slow down.
I have to take care of this. Maybe some hot tea? Some meditation? Something. Ok, I’m going to go for a walk.
The past weekend was good. I slept in and played Final Fantasy xiv. They have the Easter event going on now. Finished reading The Hating Game. The ending is sweet and of course, the couple gets together cause they never hated each other to begin with. Ok, it was a little predictable. Dinner last night was good. It was a certain kind of taco. Having it again tonight. I’ll get the name of it.