I feel disconnected today. Not sure why. It’s Friday and I feel I should be happy about that and excited to start a new project in my coding. I am looking forward to the new project but my mind is elsewhere. Where it is, I’m not sure about. I’ve dissociated twice today. It feels like the world is less ‘real’ and that a certain dream-logic takes over. I feel disconnected from my body. I can often try to take myself out of dissociation, which I’m supposed to do. But today I allowed myself to experience the dissociation. Only for a moment. I feel safer when I dissociate. When I was a child it was scary, but as I grew it became more of a normal thing. The world slows down. It makes daily tasks a bit harder and coding was a struggle. I’m not done coding yet for today. I needed to take a break since I was struggling. I do have some notes from this morning. CSS animation is still a bit confusing for me.
Coding notes:
Transform-origin: allows you to change the position of transformed elements.
transform-origin: top left; transform: rotate(130deg) scaleX(-1);
The @keyframes rule specifies the animation code.
@keyframes mymove { from {top: 0px;} to {top: 200px;} }
.arm.left { top: 35%; left: 5%; transform-origin: top left; transform: rotate(130deg) scaleX(-1); animation: 3s linear infinite wave; }
To create a transition effect, you must specify two things:
the CSS property you want to add an effect to
the duration of the effect
Transition properties: