My day has been slow. I watched a few YouTube videos, played Final Fantasy xiv, and read a chapter in Stephen King’s Fairy Tale and Ali Hazelwood’s Love on the Brain.
Love on the Brain starts slow but has started picking up slightly. I’m only four chapters in. Some of the characters are annoying and have caricatures. But I like how this story takes place in a STEM environment. I appreciate how they dive into the gap between women and men in this predominantly masculine area.
Fairy Tale is a dark fantasy that is hard to put down. The writing flows easily and captures your attention. You are left wondering what will happen next. I’m only a chapter in, and I hope the rest of the book will be the same.
It’s hard for me to do one thing for a long time, which is why I keep switching between YouTube, FFxiv, and reading. With coding, it is easier to capture my attention for a while. Even then, I need to take a lot of breaks. I will start one thing, then .2 seconds later, move on to another thing. It gets annoying because I feel like I haven’t done anything at the end of the day. Well, ok, today I haven’t done anything. Nothing productive that is. I guess not every day needs to be productive. But I feel guilty if I haven’t done anything productive for the day. I did get my laundry done. Well, I delegated the chore to Karissa. Now I need to fold and put the clothes away. Even now, I’m itching to end this post to do something else. But I’m not sure what that something else is. Maybe I will watch some YouTube. Netflix? FFxiv? I’m not sure what to do now. Scroll through Facebook?
The South and Midwest had tornadoes yesterday. I hope everyone is alright. I’ve been following the stories today.