I think my computer mouse is about to die. It barely moves now. I need to wiggle the cord every few seconds for it to move. I’ve been using my keyboard to move around the screen. So I’m writing here and then switching to my laptop to code. It’s sad cause I like my monitor. I can use my monitor as a monitor with my laptop but I would have the same problem with the mouse. Ok, enough about this damn mouse.
Lexi’s concert was good. I enjoyed it. It’s funny how she went by her middle name in the concert program. We had dinner afterward. The first place we wanted to go was closed, so we drove to the next town to eat. Sunday, our morning started with finding out the shower in our room was broken. Because, of course, that would happen. We later checked out and made our way to Walmart to buy up all their totes so Lexi could start packing up her dorm for the summer. I can’t believe that her second year is already done. Krissy has just finished her class and is already on summer break. Chris goes on vacation at the same time as Lexi does. Tommy and I went to the library after dropping the totes off to Lexi. I read while Tommy finished up his homework. He finished pretty late. We got home around 1 am. I did take a nap today to make up for the four hours of sleep that I got.
Nope, my computer mouse died. I’m on my laptop now till I get a new one. It had a good run.
For Javascript, I need to write a card function. I think I understand it. I figured to use switch statements rather than if/else statements since I’m counting cards, and the number can get high.
Instructions: You will write a card counting function. It will receive a card parameter, which can be a number or a string, and increment or decrement the global count variable according to the card’s value (see table). The function will then return a string with the current count and the string Bet if the count is positive, or Hold if the count is zero or negative. The current count and the player’s decision (Bet or Hold) should be separated by a single space.
What I have so far:
var count = 0
function something {
switch something {
case 1:
case 2: