JavaScript was slow today, and I got a slow start on coding today. We are working on objects. Objects are similar to arrays, except that instead of using indexes to access and modify their data, you access the data in objects through properties.
Tommy is working late, so I will watch YouTube or read. Kel and I are making dinner. Well, I’m writing while Kel is making dinner.
I’m a little sad. Karissa has done all the work in her math class and failed her final, which brought her grade to a D. She could do the work, but somehow tests are not easy for her. I even tested her before her final. So she needs to take another math class—maybe algebra. Mathematical surveys probably weren’t the best idea. So I’m sad. I feel bad. I thought I could help her. Some of the work was confusing, but Karissa got a good grade on them. When she takes her quizzes is when she has a problem. We will do better next time. She is taking summer classes this summer and planning on taking another math this Fall.
I’d also like to get her into therapy to get help with her anxiety and ADHD. I need to talk to her about taking this seriously.
Chris received some performance awards in Navy ROTC. I’m proud of him for that. I wish I could remember the Navy stories my dad has told me. I remember snippets but not the whole stories.
Alexis needs tools for her summer internship. She says that she has them. I guess we will see in a few weeks when we take her home from school. Her high school drama teacher is taking her to her internship since I will be on vacation. That makes me feel a lot better that someone she knows is taking her to the internship and can help her move in.
Alex has his JROTC ball this Saturday. That sounds fun. I’m sure he will have a good time.
I’m going to make myself some hot tea now and relax.