Sandy scratched my hand today. She was sleeping on my clean laundry and didn’t appreciate me taking the clothes and folding them.
Lately, I have been having nightmares. Nightmares about being watched, my ex being out to get me, and being attacked. It makes me angry that I still believe that I will be harmed. That I still have to watch my back when I’m out. Getting the mail or going to the store is still hard for me. Right now, I’d rather stay inside than go out to the store.. which I still have to do… for fear that something will happen to me. I feel like I should be ‘over this.’ And I know that I’m being hard on myself. I would never tell someone they need to get over something like this. But I still feel that I should be able to go out without feeling paranoid that someone is watching me. I’ve also been angry about things I can’t discuss here. That makes me feel a bit exasperated that I can’t discuss it here. I mean, I could, but I feel weird doing so. That I can’t cause this journal is so public. And I know that I’m safe now. If only I could get the primitive side of my brain to understand that.
Now I must put my big-girl shoes on and trudge out in the rain for dinner shopping. Taco Tuesday.
In JavaScript, I’m stuck on this. I’m just not getting it today. So I have spent today working on this. The work on this subject is a bit different than the example.
Sometimes it is useful to check whether a given object’s property exists. We can use the .hasOwnProperty(propname) method of objects to determine if that object has the given property name. .hasOwnProperty() returns true or false if the property is found.
const myObj = { top: "hat", bottom: "pants" }; myObj.hasOwnProperty("top"); myObj.hasOwnProperty("middle");