Saturday, I’m getting my hair cut. It has been a few years; it is time to cut this damn hair. I like my hair long, but it has just gotten too long. I feel like hair is an extension of my personality and almost an expression in and of itself. It also keeps my neck warm. That’s the most important. I’m thinking of layers too. Cause my hair is so baby fine, it needs a little volume. Funny that I don’t feel the need to dye my hair. I used to dye my hair all the time. But when I dyed my hair, I wasn’t in a good place in my life. There was always something going on. I wonder if that played a role in getting my hair dyed. As if getting my hair dyed was a way of controlling one aspect of my life. But even with hair dye, I couldn’t go crazy cause of work. My hair had to be of natural colors.
I just spent an insane amount of time talking about my hair. Oh, next, I’m going to talk about getting my ears pierced. Yes, they were pierced before. I had four piercings, and I let them all close. Again, bad time in my life, and I didn’t care to wear any jewelry. I miss my piercings and the pretty earrings.
It’s been a superficial day for me, apparently. No, scratch that. I should be able to think about my hair and ears sometime. Maybe wear jewelry again. I have bracelets. I think I got rid of some of my jewelry. I’m not sure what I’m thinking half the time when I decide to get rid of my things. I need to stop doing that.
Sorry for the rambling today. I felt like rambling about nonsense today. I’m sitting in the library coding. It’s pretty busy here.
I also looked for dresses on Amazon for formal nights on the cruise. I can’t believe I have to wear a dress. What kind of blasphemy is this? I can count how many times I’ve worn a dress on one hand. One was my wedding, once was my high school graduation (which was the same dress Alexis wore to her graduation), and once when I borrowed Vicky’s dress to go out drinking with her. Of course, I couldn’t actually go drinking cause I was only 20, so we got kicked out of the club. Cause I sipped her drink. Oh well. I don’t feel comfortable in dresses.
Oh! I’m getting my nails done for the cruise as well. Kel is bringing both Karissa and me to get our nails done. I’m just getting a manicure with gel nail polish. Nothing fancy. I’m excited about it, though. I haven’t gotten my nails done in years. I used to do them myself, but now I just cut them short.
My uncle called me the other day and asked if I had been talking to my mom. I feel bad that I haven’t, but it’s hard to. We just don’t get along. It usually ends up with her screaming and me crying.
Did anyone see that Winnie the Pooh is now public domain and someone made a horror film out it? The trailer doesn’t look good. But I’m almost tempted to watch it. Cause it’s Winnie the Pooh and they are butchering my childhood. Lol
In JavaScript now, we are creating a function that aids in maintaining a musical album collection. The collection is organized as an object that contains multiple albums, which are also objects. Does that confuse you? It confuses me. I believe I can do it. Lots of Googling. But it’s fun.
I should get back to coding now.