I found two dresses today. Tom, Karissa and I went down to the city to look for dresses. We started at Kolh’s and ended up at JCPenny. The drive down was dramatic.
Tommy was drinking his coffee and he started choking on the coffee. Next thing I notice is that he blacks out. I grabbed the steering wheel to keep the truck from driving into the center divider and was screaming at Tommy to come to cause his foot was on the accelerator. AFter a few seconds, he came to and eased his foot off the accelerator. I wouldn’t let go of the steering wheel until I knew that he was ok. I helped him off the freeway and we stopped in a parking lot to rest for a few. Karissa had gotten out of her seatbelt and turned on the hazard lights while I was driving the truck on the freeway. Tommy is ok, thank God. We are all ok. I’m happy that there were no cars around. I was watching Tommy closely for the rest of the day to make sure he stayed ok. And I’m glad we all came out ok from this.
Karissa had found a few dresses as well. We then stopped at Dion’s for dinner. Well, I’m off to bed. No more drama for me tonight. Good night all!