Sometimes I just don’t understand my head. I do everything to make sure my mental state is good, but sometimes my mental state can still be unstable. I’ve been anxious all day. I don’t know why. I’m watching a YouTube video on painting to calm my nerves. One day I may take up painting. Maybe. I bought paints and I gave it to Karissa cause she needed paints for her class. It’s been raining for most of the day. I’ve spent my day coding, making peanut butter cookie dough for Kel’s coworker’s birthday (Kel will bake it), and laundry. I’m not done with the laundry…I still need to put clothes away. This is going to be a boring post cause I have absolutely nothing to talk about. It was nice seeing Alexis yesterday. The apartment is cute. She has two roommates. We ate at the Pantry, which Lex was very excited about. It’s funny cause I was thinking about eating there also and that’s where Tommy took us.. without any of us saying anything. I had their stuffed pancakes…Mmmm. We got back home about 10:30. My car is getting new brakes on Thursday. I’m excited about that. I will be able to drive my car again. I need to get new glasses sometime. I feel like my prescription has changed. Hard to explain since I’m near-sighted anyway and stuff that is in the distance can be a bit blurry, even with my glasses on. My oldest is wearing this jacket right now that is in a burnt orange color that I believe only she can pull off. Not many can pull off wearing orange. I should go and put clothes away now.