It’s been a long weekend/week. Our weekend started off well. We left last Friday for Colorado and stayed overnight in Colorado City before heading up to Denver Saturday morning. We saw the Angels vs Colorado Rockies. The Angels played a great game. They had 13 runs in the 3rd inning. I swear it was the third inning for what seemed like 20 minutes. They scored 25 runs that night. That night Tom was planning on going to see the next game on Sunday.
Sunday came and he was feeling a bit tired so we decided to have breakfast at Snooze and head home. We started heading home and Tom was tired so he got off the freeway and went to Ikea with the intention of walking around a little to wake up. He decided that he wanted his ‘as needed’ anxiety medication so I went down to the car to get it for him. When I came back and told him to lets go to the restaurant to get a drink. When we got to the restaurant, he sat down and then he just passed out. Kel and I tried our best to catch his fall and I called 911. He came out of it but wasn’t feeling well so they took him to the nearest hospital. We didn’t quite know what was going on yet and why he passed out. Of course Kel and I were thinking the worst. The doctor decided to put him in a room so Kel and I got a hotel room for the night. They did all sorts of tests on Tommy. They checked his arteries and heart and took a lot of blood. They found out that he has an infection. Which was crazy cause a week ago he was taking Prednisone for his upper respiratory. They should have given him antibiotics then. The doctor here had him on IV antibiotics.
Monday we stayed in the room with him most of the day. Kel went to Target to get some underwear and shirts. I have a new Led Zepplin sweater cause it was so cold in the hospital. The room he was in was pretty big and had two other beds in the room. So Kel and I slept in his room on Monday night. I wasn’t too happy with the hospital food but it wasn’t too bad. It was hot food and with some salt it was good. The doctors were concerned that he has four blood pressure medications since his blood pressure was normal the whole time he was in the hospital. Right now he is only taking a few of his blood pressure medication and has an appointment with his primary provider later this month. The hospital released him on Tuesday afternoon. I asked Tommy if he wanted to have lunch in the cafeteria before we left and it was a resounding no from him. Lol! We ate at this cute diner. The food was good and we had some cobbler too. We then headed home and stayed the night in Trinidad. We were concerned about Tommy spending so much time in the car and it was getting late so we figured it would be safer to stop for the night.
Wednesday we headed on home. We let Tommy drive for a little bit but we wanted him to take it easy. Tommy went back to work on Thursday. He only had two work days this week. He has a long weekend holiday this weekend so he won’t be going back to work till Wednesday. I think he needs the rest anyway. So we have had a long week. Kel and I are watching him closely to make sure he is ok.