I’m in the University library today. I went with Tommy this morning to his doctor’s appointment, and instead of backtracking back home, I came here. Little curious about how the kids are doing with the puppy today, but I’m sure they are fine, and the puppy is okay. I should have brought my sweater today since it is a bit cool in the library. The hotter it gets outside, the crazier people get with the air conditioning. I didn’t think this outing through, however. I haven’t eaten today. I don’t feel like going to Starbucks, and it’s closed right now, anyway. I can’t believe I forgot to make myself something. I make Tommy his lunch in the morning, and I didn’t think of myself!
Tommy’s doctor’s appointment went well. Hopefully, we can get more results and get closer to what we need to know to help him. I think his upcoming surgery will also be a lot of help. I still need to reschedule my appointments. I have my blood pressure medication at Walmart, and it isn’t costing me anything. So do I have health insurance now? I must check this out tomorrow and call the health insurance to see what is happening with my case.
I sent a support ticket to Digital Ocean since I can’t log in. I’m not getting the verification code. I checked my spam box as well. I hope I get a response soon so I can take care of this.
I keep looking at recipes for dinner ideas. I’m not sure what to make cause by the time I get home, there isn’t a lot of time for cooking. Unless maybe we fend tonight. I’m just not sure.
I best be going now, thinking of sitting outside since it is warmer than being in here.