What a weekend! It started off well. Tom and I went to Los Alamos to take some pictures of the Valles Caldera. We went there before with Chris when it was snowing so it was nice to see it without the snow. On our way home my car’s engine light came on and the car was acting up. We think it may be a spark plug. So we went to a hotel but the hotel didn’t see our reservation. We reserved the room with Priceline and somehow the hotel wasn’t getting reservations booked through a third party. There were three other guests that this had happened to. So we decided to limp my car home. My car did well but we aren’t driving it right now until we figure out its problem and fix it.
Sunday we went to tea. The theme was Winnie the Pooh. It was so cute. And the food they had was pretty good. We then went to Home Depot and Costco.
I was supposed to have therapy this morning but my therapist is sick so he texted and now I have a therapy appointment on Thursday morning. It was good that I didn’t have therapy this morning since I wouldn’t have made it back home on time. Chris and I took Kel’s
A day has gone by and it is now Tuesday. Alex and Karissa are cleaning out the pantry. Chris is doing his homework. I’m watching little Merlin. He is sleeping under my feet. Apparently the swamp cooler is leaking. So someone is on their way to check it out. I’ve been on the phone with the car insurance company for over an hour. I was talking to a trainie and was put on hold constantly while she asked her manager on what she has to do.
Next weekend Tommy, Kel, Chris and I are going to Phoenix to see Oppenheimer. Chris keeps joking with me that I’m going to see the Barbie movie and not Oppenheimer. I heard the Barbie movie is actually good. Though I’m not caring to watch Barbie.
I made pinto beans in the Instant pot. The first time it didn’t work, so I added more water and it worked this time.
My medications are making me so sleepy. I’ve decided to take two of my medications at night because of this. Today I’m feeling awake and energetic.
I need to do a little more coding since not a lot has been done today.
In the last challenge, you learned to use the caret character to search for patterns at the beginning of strings. There is also a way to search for patterns at the end of strings.
You can search the end of strings using the dollar sign character $ at the end of the regex.
let theEnding = "This is a never ending story"; let storyRegex = /story$/; storyRegex.test(theEnding); let noEnding = "Sometimes a story will have to end"; storyRegex.test(noEnding);
The first test call would return true, while the second would return false.
Using character classes, you were able to search for all letters of the alphabet with [a-z]. This kind of character class is common enough that there is a shortcut for it, although it includes a few extra characters as well.
The closest character class in JavaScript to match the alphabet is \w. This shortcut is equal to [A-Za-z0-9_]. This character class matches upper and lowercase letters plus numbers. Note, this character class also includes the underscore character (_).
let longHand = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/; let shortHand = /\w+/; let numbers = "42"; let varNames = "important_var"; longHand.test(numbers); shortHand.test(numbers); longHand.test(varNames); shortHand.test(varNames);
All four of these test calls would return true.
These shortcut character classes are also known as shorthand character classes.