When we moved Lexi out of her dorm in the beginning of summer, it was raining. When we moved her back into her dorm yesterday, it was raining. And it doesn’t normally rain a lot there. I mean, it is the only times in the past couple years that it has rained when we came to visit. So that was something. We did get her moved in. Poor girl was so tired since she got home at 4am from her internship and had to be up to move when we got to her apartment at 9:30. We took her home first so she can meet our new puppy and for her and Alex to pack up the truck. We actually fit everything! We had lunch at home and packed a dinner. With Alex being Celiac (gluten free), it’s hard to find a place to eat so we decided that packing a dinner would be best. I think Lexi was so done with her day when she was food shopping at Walmart. She needed to call the bank and tell them that she was back at school so her card could go through. Tom paid for the food and she transferred the money after. But I think Alexis was done with her day by then. Her and Alex brought her food to her room and we said our goodbyes and went home. We got home about 9:30p. Which was actually earlier than I thought we would be home. It was nice to have a little time before heading to bed.
Today is Lexi’s first day back to school.. even though school has been going on for a week. I’m going to text her later to see how her day went.
Today is also Karissa’s first day back to school. I haven’t asked how her day was going yet. She usually watches the puppy but I had him for most of the day.
Today is also Christopher’s birthday. I texted him this morning.
This weekend we are going to Kel’s parent’s 50th Anniversary party at this restaraunt that I can’t remember its name for the life of me. I’m sure we will have fun.
I have a few doctor appointments coming up. My ENT appointment is on the 5th and sleep appointment is on the 7th. Yes, I have a sleep doctor. I think I’m still snoring, even with my cpap on. So I’d like to get that checked out.
It was certainly a Monday this morning. We lost power for over an hour. I fell asleep while waiting for it to come back on. I was going to play on the switch but felt very sleepy.
Geez, my computer has another update. /sigh. I will do that later. Maybe set it for tonight when I’m sleeping.
I’m going to get back to a little studying. I’ve been going over one thing today and that was adding (splice()) things to an array. I do feel like I haven’t been doing much all day.