I’m sitting in Lexi’s school library swinging my feet cause I can never reach the ground when I’m sitting in a chair. Tom and I saw Lexi’s play last night. It was very funny, except for the end where it did get serious. The Clean House is by Sarah Ruhl. Check it out, it’s really good. Lexi’s character was the obsessivly clean sister. Though she did get to make a mess on stage, where I could see she was having a lot of fun doing that.
Tommy is studying for his Red Hat certification. I’m keeping him company and being his gopher. Go get lunch, go get him a drink. That sort of thing. I actually don’t mind cause I get to get up and walk around and not be sitting down for hours…which in turn starts hurting my lower back when I do. So getting up every so often is nice.
We are also waiting to see if Lexi needs some food later. She is helping to take the set down. It shouldn’t take long since it was a small set. Then we are heading home when the sun sets. Tommy likes driving at night best. I can no longer drive at night since I can’t see well in the dark.
This has been a nice weekend. I spent yesterday watching YouTube videos and relaxing while Tommy studied. And today has been nice. I like Lexi’s school library. They have private rooms where you can talk in a normal volume and I don’t have to read lips when someone is talking.
Oh! My car is running again! Tommy fixed the Bug on Thursday night. It needed new spark plugs. Three and four were misfiring. We changed all four. I’m so happy to have my car back. I can now go dinner shopping during the day and get the mail. I am a homebody but I like having the option to leave the house if I need to.
Well, I’m going to get back to surfing the ‘net and watching videos. Just wanted to make a quick post. 🙂