I should write today since I don’t normally write on the weekends. I have a sinus appointment on the 7th and for some reason I’m all panicky over it. There is no reason to be but yet, here we are.
I’m almost done with the book, The Ex Hex. It’s such an adorably, funny book. Is it greatly written, no. Is it a great story, no. But it’s fun and cozy. I didn’t feel much chemistry between the leading character and her love interest but that is fine for fluffy romance. I understand the hype for this book. I wish they would have gone deeper in character development but this is obviosly not the book for that. It’s silly, it’s a fun, light read. I have to recheck out the book cause I have taken so long to read
We are having turkey soup tonight and it smells so good. I’m getting hungry. I want a snack but it’s so close to dinner. And we don’t really have snacks in this house. We have popcorn, but I had popcorn last night during the Kings game.
It snowed today. It didn’t stick though, maybe a little of it did but the ground was too warm.
Does a mini printer make sense? I’d love to take pics of the pics off of my phone but I wonder if it just makes more sense to use the big printer. Hmmmm…
I’m watching YouTube videos right now. There aren’t many that I feel like watching. And apparently I don’t know what to write about either. I guess I can write about my recent therapy appointment.
We were talking about socializing since I have long figured that I can’t socialize for crap. I wish I didn’t feel so awkward while I’m socializing. We started with how I communicated with my parents. With my dad, we had great communication. Problem would lie to where I would change my opinion once my dad, or someone else, would say their opinion. My dad would try to discourage this, of course. When it came to my mom, we didn’t communicate at all. With her, I was to be seen, not heard. If someone would ask me a question, my mother would answer and forbid me from answering myself. It came to the point where my mom would tell me how I feel or what I like. There was no point in talking cause she would never listen to me. Now I’m just so used to not talking, and asking the other person what they would like instead of having my own opinion on things. Fast forward to now, just having to make small talk is a big deal for me. And of course, at the moment my hearing aids are broken so I can’t even hear people talking. At best I can hear about 70% of a conversation. So this makes it even harder to have a conversation with others. This is as far as we got on talking about how I freeze or fawn while socializing. He didn’t want to go too quickly and try to get to the core of my socializing problems.
This all said, I’m happy that I have a good relationship with my girls and they can talk to me.
JavaScript notes…
Return true if the given string is a palindrome. Otherwise, return false.
A palindrome is a word or sentence that’s spelled the same way both forward and backward, ignoring punctuation, case, and spacing.
Note: You’ll need to remove all non-alphanumeric characters (punctuation, spaces and symbols) and turn everything into the same case (lower or upper case) in order to check for palindromes.
We’ll pass strings with varying formats, such as racecar, RaceCar, and race CAR among others.
We’ll also pass strings with special symbols, such as 2A3*3a2, 2A3 3a2, and 2_A3*3#A2.