Our little post office here is crazy. I stood in line for an hour, thinking I have packages. Which I do. But see, I didn’t check the mailbox first to see if there are any packages there. Someone in line was saying that they aren’t leaving packages at the mailbox and they are just having the people come to the post office. Ok. But then someone said that we have to have our slip to get the packages. So I texted Kel about that. She came and got my mail key to go check the mail. I stayed in line, cause the line is long. Well, my packages were at the mailbox! Next time I’m checking the mailbox first before the post office! So Kel came and picked me up and we went home. We later got today’s mail…and of course, a slip for three packages are at the post office. So I have to stand in line again later to get those packages. The post office is always like this during Christmas.
Kel and I then went to Walgreens to pick up medication. We had to go inside cause they closed the drive thru window. I’m thinking cause they are short staffed. Everyone seems to be short staffed these days. There was no one in line in Walgreens. We got out of there fairly quickly. We went dinner shopping at Smith’s next. Normally she just drops me off but today I wanted her to shop with me. The store wasn’t busy as it usually is at the end of the day. I’m thinking everyone is still at the post office.
I’m the one who fills up Tommy’s pill box. I don’t mind doing it. It’s crazy that I can pretty much tell which medication is which just by looking at it. And I’m helpful to have at his doctor appointments cause I know what medication he is taking. But see, I can easily do his pill box, but when it comes to filling up my pill box.. I just don’t feel like doing it. I did it anyway tonight so I have my pills ready for tomorrow morning. But I tend to take better care of others than I do for myself. I can remember others’ appointments but forget mine if I don’t put it in the calendar. I will make others lunch and then just snack on something when it’s time for me to eat during the week. I really do need to eat better when I’m alone. I tend to get lazy when it comes to making myself food. But I do need to take better care of myself.
My sinus appointment that I was supposed to have today got canceled. They had a cyberattack. Which is concerning and amusing at the same time. It concerns me cause they have my information and cyberattacks can cause a lot of problems. I hope they had security features in place. Amusing cause one normally hears about big corporations getting a cyberattack rather than something locally. Wouldn’t a health clinic or hospital have some security in place to catch an incoming cyberattack? I know a little bit about cyber security.
We are having Roman-style chicken tonight. Once Kel mentioned the recipe I knew that it had to be Giada de Laurentiis’s recipe. And I was right! It just sounded like something she would make. I haven’t had cable in a long time. I wonder if she is still on Food Network.
I should get started on dinner. We need to plan Christmas dinner. Maybe I will bring that up tonight.