I don’t know where my Kindle is. Ok, I haven’t been looking. But I’ve been thinking about it and wondering where it is. I have an idea of where it can be but I have yet to look there to see if I’m right. I’ve been using my phone’s Kindle app to read but I’d like to find my Kindle soon. I’m reading “Love, Theorectically” as I wait for my other books on hold. It’s a fun book. Nothing serious, silly at times.
Winter has decided to come early. We received a lot of snow last night. It’s cozy. Well, after we helped Tommy get his truck out of the yard so he can get to work. And we stopped at the post office. After all that we came home, had some lunch and now I have my coffee. Which now I’m all cozy.
I’m having a hard time focusing. I’m trying to watch this video on a Caesars Cipher in JavaScript yet I can only get through a few minutes before my mind starts wandering.
I think we are going to put up the tree this weekend when the kids are home. I can’t wait to see all the Christmas decorations. 🙂
Sorry I didn’t have much to talk about today. In therapy yesterday I was talking about how I seem to have lost my identity. It’s hard to explain, but I spend so much time thinking about what the other person wants that when I’m asked, my mind goes blank. I’m to write down what I like to do or want to do. And even that is seemingly hard for me to do. Let’s see, I like reading. I don’t feel that I get a lot of time to read, but I do like reading. I’d like to get back into drawing. I’d like to get a recipe binder going of my grandma’s old recipes before you can’t read the cards anymore. I will have to think about this more.
I need to get going. I’m supposed to wake up Kel since she doesn’t want to sleep that long.