Tommy and I went to Starbucks yesterday and talked about Christmas. The Starbucks is new in this town. It’s a nice place to sit and relax. They were playing Christmas music that I was singing along to. The strangest thing was they have a community sink outside the bathroom, instead of a sink being inside the bathroom. We have Christmas pretty much taken care of. We do need to go grocery shopping and I’d like to get started on making cookies soon. I’m excited about making cookies!
I need to start my Christmas cards. They are going to be late regardless.
I miss going over to my Grandma’s house for Christmas. Everyone would be at her house. My cousins, aunts and uncles. I’m used to being around so many people during the holidays. Which is why I like it when the kids are home. They didn’t bug me too much today but the house is definitely not quiet. Alexis’s friend who works at a bakery, brought over some bread today so I had a little bit of this Christmas bread today. That was my lunch actually. I think next year I’d like to have a better relationship with food. I just don’t eat much during the day if no one is home to hold me accountable on eating. Merlin is liking that everyone is home too. It was hard for him to nap today.. just so much going on around him.
I rode the bike and did yoga this morning. I also did some meditation. It was calming.
Well, I need to start dinner soon so I better get this posted.