I’m not really sure what to write about but here I am. I just finished putting a hold on a few ebooks at the library. So far I have on hold: A Court of Thorns and Roses, Weyward, Yours Truly, The Ex Hex, and The Fourth Wing. I just finished my last book so now, according to the library, I won’t have a book to read for another month. Been thinking of continuing reading Dracula while I’m waiting for the other books. Dracula is always available and I haven’t finished it yet. There is a new category in GoodReads awards: Romantasy. Is this a new trend? Romance subgenres? I’m used to seeing romance subgenres in the movies but not so much for books.
I had therapy today. We talked about my anxiety of Christmas. This time of year is full of anxiety and stress to make that one day of Christmas just perfect. It’s also exciting for me cause I get to bake cookies and see everyone together and giving gifts. My therapist mentioned that I should ask for help when making cookies so I don’t feel overwhelmed. I may do that this year. And to sit and rest and watch a movie. I don’t watch many movies. It’s a joke that if there is a movie, there is a 95% chance that I haven’t watched it. It’s hard to get myself to sit still and focus on a movie. I can do it, but it’s work. With books I can put it down and continue at another time. Movies are meant to be watched all at once.
I watched a movie over Thanksgiving time but I forgot the name of it. It was pretty good.
JavaScript notes…
Caesars Cipher
function rot13(str) { let strArray = str.split(''); for(let i = 0; i90 ? strArray[i] : code>=78 && code<=90 ? String.fromCharCode(code-13) : String.fromCharCode(code+13); } return strArray.join(''); } rot13("E");