I’m trying not to be discouraged with JavaScript but these last few days have been discouraging.
Everyone in the house seemed to be doing some kind of cleaning today. Lexi cleaned the pantry. Krissy and Alex cleaned the cabinets under the kitchen counter. Kel cleaned her dresser. I haven’t done any cleaning today. I still have to put clothes away and I need to do my pill box. I do Tommy’s pill box also. I feel like I have had an unproductive day. I should just get up and start doing things.
I haven’t opend up the crochet kit yet. This weekend I want to do that.
I had therapy today. We talked about Christmas and how I felt depressed on Christmas Eve. Our session was cut short cause I lost power. I don’t know what is up with our electric company but we been having so many outages and brown-outs these past few weeks. It just feels very unstable.
I don’t have any New Year resolutions. I guess a resolution would be to continue exercising and losing weight. But I started that in September rather than this New Year. I don’t really believe in resolutions. I don’t think they work. When you make a New Year’s resolution, you are doing it based on a tradition. Rather than making a goal at a time of change or need for change. If New Year was your motivation, you will find that you have no motivation in a few weeks. Rather than having a goal set because of a need. When you set a goal, you also need to look into what obstacles you may face and how you will work around these obstacles to keep your goal. Lastly, I believe resolutions never have an accountability with them. Without any accountability, you will not care if you don’t pursue your resolution past New Year. This is why I don’t think New Year resolutions work.
I should get up and put clothes away and do the pill boxes. To do something so I don’t feel like I haven’t done anything all day.