Creating a role playing game using HTML/JavaScript is fun. I’m kind of zipping through it. I need to slow down a bit and take it all in.
Go read the book, Before We Were Yours. Two dual stories told in alternating times between Memphis, Tennessee 1939 and present day Aiken, South Carolina. The book is about the events that happened for over 30 years in the Tennessee Children’s Home Society orphanage. They literally would steal kids from the poor and sell them to the rich. The two stories are told from the point of view of a family of children ripped from their parents and put through the system and a woman trying to figure out what her family is hiding after an elderly woman mistakes her for someone else. It is a sad story but well written. I’m not done with it yet, so I will come back to talking about it.
I’m having such a hard time focusing today. I’ve studied off and on, tried to watch a YouTube video, trying to write right now and even that is proving hard cause I can’t seem to focus. Everytime I try to focus my brain goes, “Oh look, something shiny!”. The kids are doing chores and leaving me alone so I should be able to get stuff done. I’m glad it’s Friday. I can use some sleeping in tomorrow.
JavaScript notes…
Step 10
Give your #game a maximum width of 500px and a maximum height of 400px. Set the background-color to #ffffff and the color to #ffffff.
Use margins to center it by setting the top margin to 30px, bottom margin to 0px, and the left and right margin to auto.
Finally, give it 10px of padding on all four sides.
#game { max-width: 500px; max-height: 400px; background-color: #ffffff; color: #ffffff; margin: 30px auto 0px; padding: 10px; }
Step 11
Give both your #controls and #stats elements a border of 1px solid #0a0a23, a #0a0a23 text color, and 5px of padding.
#controls, #stats { border: 1px solid #0a0a23; color: #0a0a23; padding: 5px; }
Step 12
Give your #monsterStats element the same border and padding as your #stats element. Set its color to #ffffff and give it a #c70d0d background.
#monsterStats { border: 1px solid #0a0a23; padding: 5px; color: #ffffff; background-color: #c70d0d }
Step 13
For now, hide your #monsterStats element with the display property. Do not change any of the other styling.
#monsterStats { display: none; border: 1px solid #0a0a23; padding: 5px; color: #ffffff; background-color: #c70d0d; }
Step 14
Next, give your .stat elements a padding-right of 10px.
.stat { padding-right: 10px; }
Step 15
Finally, you will need to add some styles for your buttons. Start by setting the cursor property to pointer. Then set the text color to #0a0a23 and the background-color to #feac32.
Then set the background-image property to linear-gradient(#fecc4c, #ffac33). Lastly, set the border to 3px solid #feac32.
button { cursor: pointer; color: #0a0a23; background-color: #feac32; background-image: linear-gradient(#fecc4c, #ffac33); border: 3px solid #feac32; }
Step 16
Now you can start writing your JavaScript. Begin by creating a script element. This element is used to load JavaScript into your HTML file. You should use an opening tag.
Step 17
One of the most powerful tools is your developer console. Depending on your browser, this might be opened by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I. On Mac, you can press Option + ⌘ + C and select “Console”. You can also click the “Console” button above the preview window to see our built-in console.
The developer console will include errors that are produced by your code, but you can also use it to see values of variables in your code, which is helpful for debugging.
Add a console.log(“Hello World”); line between your script tags. Then click the “Console” button to open the console. You should see the text Hello World.
Note how the line ends with a semi-colon. It is common practice in JavaScript to end your code lines with semi-colons.
Step 18
Before you start writing your project code, you should move it to its own file to keep things organized.
Remove your console.log(“Hello World”); line. Then give your now empty script element a src attribute set to ./script.js.
Step 19
Your view has been switched to your new script.js file. Remember that you can use the tabs above to switch between files.
Add your console.log(“Hello World”); line to this file, and see it appear in your console.
console.log("Hello World");
Step 20
Remove your console.log(“Hello World”); line to begin writing your project code.
In JavaScript, a variable is used to hold a value. To use a variable, you must first declare it. For example, to declare a variable called camperbot, you would write:
var camperbot;
The var keyword tells JavaScript you are declaring a variable. Declare a variable called xp.
var xp;
Step 21
Variables can be assigned a value. When you do this while you declare it, this is called initialization. For example:
var camperbot = “Bot”;
This would initialize the camperbot variable with a value of Bot, a string.
Initialize your xp variable to have a value of 0, a number.
var xp = 0;
Step 22
Initialize another variable called health with a value of 100, and a variable called gold with a value of 50.
var xp = 0; var health = 100; var gold = 50;
Step 23
Create another variable called currentWeapon and set it to 0.
When a variable name has multiple words, the convention in JavaScript is to use what’s called camelCase. The first word is lowercase, and the first letter of every following word is uppercase.
var xp = 0; var health = 100; var gold = 50; var currentWeapon = 0;
Step 24
You have been declaring your variables with the var keyword. However, in modern JavaScript it is best practice to use the let keyword instead. This fixes several unusual behaviors with var that can make your code difficult to debug.
Change all of your var keywords to let.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0;
Step 25
Using the let keyword, declare a variable called fighting but do not initialize it with a value. Remember to end your line with a semi-colon.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0; let fighting;
Step 26
Declare two more variables named monsterHealth and inventory, but do not initialize them.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0; let fighting; let monsterHealth; let inventory;
Step 27
The variables you have assigned have all had values that are numbers. JavaScript has multiple different data types. The next one you will use is the string. Strings are used to store things like words or text. Strings are surrounded with double quotes, single quotes, or backticks. Here is an example of declaring a variable with a string:
let developer = “Naomi”;
Assign the inventory variable to have the value of stick.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0; let fighting; let monsterHealth; let inventory = "stick";
Step 28
The player’s inventory in your game will be able to hold multiple items. You will need to use a data type that can do this. An array can be used to hold multiple values. For example:
let order = [“first”, “second”, “third”];
This is an array which holds three values. Notice how the values are separated by commas.
Change your inventory variable to be an array with the strings stick, dagger, and sword.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0; let fighting; let monsterHealth; let inventory = ["stick", "dagger", "sword"];
Step 29
For now, you want the player to start with just the stick. Change the inventory array to have stick as its only value.
let xp = 0; let health = 100; let gold = 50; let currentWeapon = 0; let fighting; let monsterHealth; let inventory = ["stick"];
Step 30
JavaScript interacts with the HTML using the Document Object Model, or DOM. The DOM is a tree of objects that represents the HTML. You can access the HTML using the document object, which represents your entire HTML document.
One method for finding specific elements in your HTML is using the querySelector() method. The querySelector() method takes a CSS selector as an argument and returns the first element that matches that selector. For example, to find the element in your HTML, you would write:
let h1 = document.querySelector(“h1”);
Note that h1 is a string and matches the CSS selector you would use.
Create a button1 variable and use querySelector() to assign it your element with the id of button1. Remember that CSS id selectors are prefixed with a #.
let button1 = document.querySelector("#button1");
Step 31
We have run in to a slight problem. You are trying to query your page for a button element, but your script tag is in the head of your HTML. This means your code runs before the browser has finished reading the HTML, and your document.querySelector() will not see the button – because the browser hasn’t processed it yet.
To fix this, move your script element out of the head element, and place it at the end of your body element (just before the closing