We have Chris’s dog Everest with us. She needs to get spayed, and then she will be spending a week with us while healing.
The JavaScript music player project is done. Now, onto a new project. I’ve done the other projects, but for some reason, the curriculum says I still need to finish, and 25% of the problems aren’t highlighted to show that they are finished. That sucks because I’ve already done them. I may go back and finish them so it says I’ve done it.
I got a call from Alexis today. She doesn’t have classes this week. High schools are visiting her school for this whole week. She will be home for Spring break. We will celebrate her birthday then since she will be in school during her birthday. I can’t believe she will be turning 21.
I had a doctor’s appointment today. My bloodwork looks good. They have reduced the dosage of my blood pressure medication. It was pretty low at the doctor’s office, and I told her I sometimes become lightheaded when standing up too fast. The medication is ready at Walmart. I have to ask them why the insurance didn’t cover everything like usual. Figuring that out sounds like a job for this weekend.
I have a little time before I need to start dinner. I’m going to play Final Fantasy for a bit.
JavaScript notes…
Music player steps 71 – 90
Step 71
Add a click event listener to the shuffleButton element. For the function to run, pass in the shuffle function.
Note: You don’t need a callback inside this particular event listener. You also don’t need to call the shuffle function, just pass in its identifier.
shuffleButton.addEventListener("click", shuffle);
Step 72
It’s time to implement a delete functionality for the playlist. This would manage the removal of a song from the playlist, handle other related actions when a song is deleted, and create a Reset Playlist button.
Use const and arrow syntax to create an empty deleteSong function and pass in id as a parameter.
const deleteSong = (id) => { }
Step 73
Use the filter() method to remove the song object that matches the id parameter from the userData?.songs array.
The filter method keeps only the elements of an array that satisfy the callback function passed to it:
const numArr = [1, 10, 8, 3, 4, 5]
const numsGreaterThanThree = numArr.filter((num) => num > 3);
console.log(numsGreaterThanThree) // Output: [10, 8, 4, 5]
Use the filter() method on userData?.songs. Pass in song as the parameter of the arrow function callback and use implicit return to check if song.id is strictly not equal to id. Assign all of that to the userData.songs.
Note: You should not use optional chaining when you assign the result of userData?.songs.filter to userData.songs because the allSongs array will not be undefined or null at that point.
const deleteSong = (id) => { userData.songs = userData?.songs.filter((song) => song.id !== id) };
You need to re-render the songs, highlight it and set the play button’s accessible text since the song list will change.
Call the renderSongs function and pass in the userData?.songs array as an argument, this displays the modified playlist.
After that, call the highlightCurrentSong function to highlight the current song if there is any also and the setPlayButtonAccessibleText function to update the play button’s accessible text.
const deleteSong = (id) => { userData.songs = userData?.songs.filter((song) => song.id !== id); renderSongs(userData?.songs); highlightCurrentSong(); setPlayButtonAccessibleText(); };
Step 75
Before deleting a song, you need to check if the song is currently playing. If it is, you need to pause the song and play the next song in the playlist.
Use an if statement to check if the userData?.currentSong?.id is equal to the id of the song you want to delete.
if (userData?.currentSong?.id === id) { }
Step 76
If there is a match then set userData.currentSong to null and userData.songCurrentTime to 0.
After that, call the pauseSong() function to stop the playback and the setPlayerDisplay() function to update the player display.
if (userData?.currentSong?.id === id) { userData.currentSong = null; userData.songCurrentTime = 0; pauseSong(); setPlayerDisplay(); }
Step 77
Within the button element in the renderSongs function, add an onclick attribute. For the value, call the deleteSong function and interpolate song.id.
Step 78
Next, you need to check if the playlist is empty. If it is, you should reset the userData object to its original state.
Use an if statement to check if the userData?.songs has a length of 0.
if (userData?.songs.length === 0) { }
Step 79
If the playlist is empty, you need to create a resetButton element and a text for it. This button will only show up if the playlist is empty.
createElement() is a DOM method you can use to dynamically create an element using JavaScript. To use createElement(), you call it, then pass in the tag name as a string:
// syntax
// example
You can also assign it to a variable:
const divElement = document.createElement(‘div’)
Inside your if statement, declare a resetButton constant, then use createElement() to create a button.
if (userData?.songs.length === 0) { const resetButton = document.createElement('button'); }
Step 80
Now that you’ve created the button, you need to assign it a text. To do this, you need to use the createTextNode() method of DOM.
The createTextNode() method is used to create a text node. To use it, you call it and pass in the text as a string:
document.createTextNode(“your text”)
You can also assign it to a variable:
const myText = document.createTextNode(“your text”)
Use the createTextNode() method to create a Reset Playlist text, then assign it to a resetText constant.
if (userData?.songs.length === 0) { const resetButton = document.createElement("button"); const resetText = document.createTextNode("Reset Playlist"); }
Step 81
Now that you’ve created the resetButton, you need to assign it an id and aria-label attributes. JavaScript provides the id and ariaLabel properties you need to use for this.
For example, element.id would set an id attribute, and element.ariaLabel would set an aria-label attribute. Both of them accept their values as a string.
Set the id attribute of resetButton to reset and its aria-label attribute to Reset playlist.
if (userData?.songs.length === 0) { const resetButton = document.createElement("button"); const resetText = document.createTextNode("Reset Playlist"); resetButton.id = "reset"; resetButton.ariaLabel = "Reset playlist"; }
Step 82
You need to add the resetText to the resetButton element as a child, and also the resetButton to the playlistSongs element as a child. For this, there is an appendChild() method to use.
appendChild() lets you add a node or an element as the child of another element. In the example below, the text “Click me” would be attached to the button:
const parentElement = document.createElement(“button”)
const parentElementText = document.createTextNode(“Click me”)
// attach the text “Click me” to the button
Use appendChild() to attach resetText to resetButton element, and resetButton to the playlistSongs element.
resetButton.appendChild(resetText); playlistSongs.appendChild(resetButton);
Step 83
Now, it’s time to add the reset functionality to the resetButton. This will bring back the songs in the playlist when clicked.
Add a click event listener to the resetButton variable. Pass in a callback using arrow syntax and leave it empty for now.
resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { })
Step 84
To reset the playlist to its original state, spread allSongs into an array and assign it to userData.songs.
Note: You should not use optional chaining for the userData.songs because the song will not be null or undefined at this point.
resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { userData.songs =[...allSongs]; });
Step 85
Finally, you should render the songs again, update the play button’s accessible text, and remove the reset button from the playlist. You also need to remove the resetButton from the DOM.
Call the renderSongs() function with userData?.songs as an argument to render the songs again.
Call the setPlayButtonAccessibleText() function to update the play button’s accessible text.
Remove the reset button from the playlist by calling the remove() method on the resetButton variable.
Note: Now you can try removing all the songs to see what happens.
resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { userData.songs = [...allSongs]; renderSongs(userData?.songs); setPlayButtonAccessibleText(); resetButton.remove(); });
Step 86
All the core functionalities are now in place. The only issue now is that the next song does not automatically play when the currently playing song ends.
To fix that, you can set up an event listener which will detect when the currently playing song ends. The ended event listener is appropriate for this. It is fired when the playback of a media reaches the end.
Add an event listener to the audio element which listens for the ended event. Pass in a callback using arrow syntax with empty curly braces.
audio.addEventListener("ended", () => { })
Step 87
Notice that the album art in the HTML and songs in the userData.songs array have changed. We’ve swapped out the original songs for shorter ones that you can use to test your app in the upcoming steps.
Next, you need to check if there is a next song to play. Retrieve the current song index by calling the getCurrentSongIndex() function, and save it in a currentSongIndex constant.
After that, create a nextSongExists constant that contains the boolean value true or false depending on if the next song exists.
audio.addEventListener("ended", () => { const currentSongIndex = getCurrentSongIndex(); const nextSongExists = userData?.songs[currentSongIndex + 1] !== undefined });
Step 88
Use an if statement to check if nextSongExists exists, then call the playNextSong() function in the if block. This will automatically play the next song when the current song ends.
if (nextSongExists) { playNextSong(); }
Step 89
If there is no next song in the playlist, use the else block to reset the currentSong key of userData to null, and its songCurrentTime property to 0.
if (nextSongExists) { playNextSong(); } else { userData.currentSong = null; userData.songCurrentTime = 0; }
Step 90
With everything set in place, call the pauseSong(), setPlayerDisplay(), highlightCurrentSong(), and setPlayButtonAccessibleText() functions to correctly update the player.
Congratulations on completing your music player! Now that we’ve finished testing and using the shorter songs, we’ve replaced them with the original tracks specially selected by Quincy for you to enjoy.
pauseSong(); setPlayerDisplay(); highlightCurrentSong(); setPlayButtonAccessibleText();