Although today was a bit sad, I still managed to have a good day. I found some amusing Facebook posts that lifted my spirits, and I enjoyed spending time with Kel and Karissa. Kel had a doctor’s appointment, and I accompanied her. Afterward, the three of us ventured into the city to pair Alexis’s hearing aid, which is required because of Bluetooth. This took roughly thirty minutes. Next, we stopped by the college campus to drop Karissa, who only had a week left of school before the summer break. Alexis will finish on May 10th. While Kel ran an errand on the military base, I hung out on campus. Once Karissa’s class ended, we headed to Costco to refuel. Our final stops were dropping Karissa off at home, mailing Lexi’s hearing aids at the post office, and picking up dinner from Smiths. Chicken adobo is on the menu for tonight! Someday, I should try to make it as my mom makes it. She does make good Filipino food. American food, she struggled with.
Should I talk about something that happened 20 years ago today? I mean, it may help clear my mind. But I doubt anyone would want to hear about it. However, this is my journal.
I don’t have much time, but I will write a little. In the police report, it is stated that I said the beginning of the day started with me waking up with Kevin and having breakfast. Things were blurry for me that week. It still is. I woke up when Kevin was leaving for work. I remember eating breakfast and the cable not working. We didn’t have Internet; it was either Internet or cable cause we couldn’t afford both. We chose cable. If it was now, we’d choose the Internet.
After a short while, I woke up my daughters and prepared them for the day ahead. Karissa was nearly four years old, while Alexis had recently turned one. I recall Alexis having a pleasant morning, which was unusual given her tendency to be colicky. Karissa was thrilled because she had a new Easter dress for Easter Sunday. Melissa, Kevin’s cousin, arrived to pick us up and took us to the park, where we spent the day with family. Karissa showed me how brave she was on the swing, swinging alone without assistance.
Meanwhile, Alexis was content, which was odd because she was typically fussy. I made a mental note to praise the girls’ behavior to Kevin when he returned. After the park, we planned to go to Ray and Leanna’s home for dinner. However, as I looked at the cars passing by, I realized that none belonged to Kevin. My parents unexpectedly arrived around 5pm, which puzzled me because I thought they were in Las Vegas. They had no idea where I was that day, yet they found me. After hearing about Kevin, I discovered that my dad had called around to locate me. It was my dad who delivered the news. I only recall a few more details from that night. We returned to the apartment, and the girls and I stayed at my parents’ house to gather some clothing. I also contacted some friends about the situation, while my dad contacted the rest of our family.
The most challenging part was waking up to an empty bed the following day. The rest of the week feels like a blur in my memory. My dad arranged for a lawyer, and Kevin’s relatives and brother came to visit. We attended two funerals, including Kevin’s coworker, who was also in the car. During the police investigation, we learned more about what had happened. It all happened quickly in just one week – the investigation, funerals, and moving out of the apartment. Months later, the drunk driver was found guilty and sentenced to prison, which I know he is still serving. I know what prison he is at, also.
That is good for now. I need to start dinner. So much has happened in these 20 years, and I’m in a good place now.