Today, I chose to revisit some coding projects for which I did not receive credit. Specifically, I am currently working on the Pyramid Generator project. Still, I am committed to not simply copying down the answers, as I have documented them in my javascript notes. My goal is to complete this project without any external assistance. My progress thus far has been successful.
The weather worsens whenever we move Alexis in or out of her dorm room. Last Friday evening, rain accompanied us on our way up to her school, and on Saturday when we were moving her out, it rained again. Chris was also moving out of his dorm on those same two days. With so much stuff to manage, we’re still in the process of organizing the house. To simplify matters, Tommy is considering renting a small storage unit for some of their belongings this summer, particularly their fridges, air fryers, and other large items.
Sunday, we relaxed at home. Chris made breakfast for Kel and me with scones and tea. It was very nice. I got flowers and chocolate from Alexis. Karissa gave me this cute keychain customized with her and Lexi’s names on it and some stickers. Because I can’t have enough stickers! Alex gave me some gummy bears. I’m good when it comes to snacks. Now, to only eat them some at a time. It was a lovely Mother’s Day.
I’m a little distracted with everyone at home. No one is distracting me; I just wonder what everyone is doing. So I keep getting up and walking around the house to distract myself. I had to stop myself and get myself to focus again. The dogs are outside. It’s a nice day out there. A little windy, but it is warm. I also need to put my clothes away. I will do that in a bit.