It’s finally Friday! The Git Fundamentals class was quite intriguing. We delved into working with branches and understanding the differences between working remotely and locally. The last lab was extensive, and it took me longer to complete than the allotted time. It might have been more manageable if the lab had been split into two parts: one for remotes, fork, clone, and the other for push (fail), pull, rebase, push, etc. However, adding another lab would have certainly made us run overtime. I need to practice this now. When I commit and push code, I usually do it from VS Code and not the command line. I’ll have to figure out how to integrate what I do in VS Code with the command line.
Today, the girls are shopping for my birthday, which is incredibly thoughtful of them. Alexis has an eye appointment today, but they had Karissa down instead of Alexis for some reason. I could have sworn I told them Alexis needed the appointment. Luckily, it wasn’t a big deal; they just changed it to Alexis.
I’m taking care of both dogs today. Merlin is outside while Everest is indoors. Everest can’t go outside alone because she keeps finding her way out of the yard. They are a handful, but I enjoy looking after them.
Kel is treating me and Tommy to tea on Sunday as our birthday present. I enjoy going out for tea; it’s always a fun experience. I especially like how the tea room has separate areas divided by curtains, each decorated with a different theme.